martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

concert of rolling stone in chile

hello simon teacher and all my classmates.

in this text, i going to write about a concert where i was.

well i was a boy, my father is fans of theese singers and they just come to chile. he was very enthusiastic with their arrival then he only had to be here.

this concert was in national stadium ,specifically in gallery place here we was tistening the beautifull song of this group.

whether i enjoyed it, in really not remember the whole of event, however i remember see many lights and then i saw hight and big features falling down from sky.that and many other attractive thing i did can enjoy much. the only bad thing of this concert , had many people in a small place. i know the national stadium is enormous ,however was many person on stadium.

anything interesting in this situation was my age , because i was so small than little remember; other thing interesting was no one know english in my family and these artist come from england; the last this thing interesting was my mother doesn´t know nothing about this group.

for me, this experience was very well, because the next year when i grow up was think even longer years the spectacular experience i lived when was a boy together with my parents.

the clothing was other attractive of bthis group, they wear old clothes or those saw of this form.


i hope you like

martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

Make Chupallas and other things

Hello everyone.

good, I will tell about some things would in love to do, but I only will talk about those things i never has done.

Well, I've always wanted to be a craftsman of chupallas, make this things to sell or give away to people you like our traditions. This idea was inspired by the many trips to Chillan, because in this city is almost all my family and here was where my grandmother was born and my mother.

Arriving in Chillan, we went straight to the house of my aunt, her husband is working in the manufacture of hats. My uncle Adrian Espinoza is the oldest artisan of chupallas de Chillan, it makes feel me very proud.

Well this is a dream for me, I believe to going to live in the south and will dedicate me to make chupallas and other rural activities.

I also love to learn to paint, the work of visual artist. I always dreamed could represent everything thought me, even dreams. this is the best way to express the dreams, with colors and shapes and with the support of a few words.

The painting came to me when visiting the work of Jean Miro, when its work visited Santiago in the Telefónica Foundation. Jean looked at is an amazing artist, not only to paint good, this artist i like, because has done make many mental creations in their work artist. I love, I'm sure you never fully understand his work, beacuse is a work of the dreams.

I also want to leave my testimony, write a book will never be lost. This dream is a bit egocentric, but it complicates me the idea of don´t be one day . This problem has been in my head and is feeling the need for make a book of testimony saying that one day I was alive.


see you