domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

field trip pichilemu

hello classmates,
the university we had a field trip where we learned the sudject of integrated coastal management area I did an evaluation of Risk natural in the commune of Pichilemu, our group was 7 people, some classmates were to Landslide and other to tsunami etc. in the field we saw the causes and their possible consequences.
The most interesting place of field was in the night, in our hotel, after of the work in the field trip , because always we had party where everyone shared and too we met more.
In this area I learned to identify places with possibly present landslides, and also I knowled of the importance of the dunes in the tsunamis
I would love to be living in Pichilemu, is a beautiful place, it is also very good for surfing, this I also would like to learn. While i did another things
It was a nice fiel trip, unforgettable

domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

correction post

I'm going to talk about a movie that i recently watched. The movie is Gattaca, a movie ambiented in a not far future of our lives. The main plot is the liberal eugenic, a form of control de genetic information of the people. The main character interpreted by Ethan Hawke, is a not appropiate human to the proyect of moon's travels, because only the upper clases childrens are selected by a implantation of genetic diagnosis to ensure the posesse of the best form of hereditary gens. A genetic registry data identify intantly the non valid humans, so they can't work in the best jobs of the center of space research. So they are relegated to a low (worse) job. He met a valid human (Jude Law) that is dissapointed of his life and lost faith, from( of) he was second in a race and after lost his legs in a crush, who helped him whit his gens. I liked this movie because has a elevate concept of the fight for the humans rights, indepents of our natural conditions; everybody can have a real life and a important job if they folow their dreams. I enjoyed the music theme too. The last moments of the film are very sentimental, and this song is played at the end:

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

my impression of andres blog

My first impression the Andres blog is a blog very interesting and beautiful. The colours are very attractive and its photos are especially very powerful.
anyway, besides your comments about the topic, in my opinion are friendly and interesting, especially from Chile and the world.
The post of the movie GATACA i liked, because that movie is very good. Always when i watch GATACA remember too i would like travel same than protagonist.
Other thing attractive in your blog, is the Nintendo, this is funny, because he isn’t a boy. But I remember too i never had this Nintendo.
The number of post in your blog is eight, this post have many word. The photograph are six those are beautiful too.
Anyway, besides the videos are four, I like very much, because these make me laugh, especially the videos of Nintendo player.
Finally, I congratulate my friend Andres Martinez, for your lovely blog